The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: There Are No Limits by Joseph Murphy (Summary)

The power of your subconscious mind is a book that was written by Joseph Murphy and published in 1963. This book has continued to be a best-seller, selling millions of copies till date.

There are many things to be gleaned from this book but the key points however center on the following;

  • The power of positive thinking
  • Allow your subconscious to be the guide in decision making
  • Visualize your goals and be passionate with it so as to attain results
  • Control your subconscious mind and use it to your advantage

This book has presented the essential steps and guidelines needed to utilize the power of the mind, specifically that of the subconscious. This is very crucial to the realization of goals and aspirations, and this is a power that all humans possess if they would learn to wield it. This is the premise Joseph Murphy tries to establish in his book. The following is a direct quote that can be found in the book;

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall your reap in your body and environment. Imagine your subconscious mind as a bed of rich soil that will help all kinds of seeds to sprout and flourish, whether good or bad. Every thought is a cause and every condition is an effect. This is the reason it is so essential that you take charge of your thoughts. In that way you can bring forth only desirable conditions.”

The subconscious mind is so powerful that it can interfere with the normal working condition of the body. People who get depressed, anxious, and sad can be susceptible to body malfunctions such as heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines among other organs or system malfunctions. This is usually able to be fixed when you communicate with your subconscious mind and relax. According to Joseph Murphy’s book, what you feed and speak to your subconscious mind is what will translate into the physical. So if you are happy, relaxed and unperturbed, the effect would be a well-functioning body system and a realization of goals. On the contrary, when you let your subconscious mind be consumed by the feeling of unrest and anxiety, the result would be discomfort, illness, and overall lack of achievement.

The following lessons can be cleaned from this book in line with the aforementioned key points.


What this means is that we must be able to speak firmly and frequently to our subconscious mind so as to bend it to our will. The mind is made up of both the rational (conscious) mind and the irrational (subconscious) mind. The things we think about often in our conscious mind gradually begins to seep into our subconscious mind, and they begin to form patterns of beliefs which unknown to us shape our behaviors and actions, and impact our lives. The subconscious mind is also the home of our emotions; this is why what we feel triggers the subconscious mind into action. So if we always think positive things, positive things follow us and vice versa. To key into one of the key points in this book which goes in line with this lesson, the power of positive thinking can well be understood from this framework. Let’s take for instance the medical treatment known as placebo. This is the giving of drugs and medication which have no medical effect whatsoever to patients who believe those are real drugs. The power of their belief and their thought process which makes them convinced those are drugs that can heal them, eventually creates a positive subconscious presence that aids in their recovery. You could give a depressed individual a tablet and say it is antidepressants and bound to make one happy, that belief will make such a patient to gradually become positive and the depression fades, when in the real sense of the word, that tablet was not of any medicinal effect. That is what the placebo form of treatment is and it explains what Joseph Murphy was trying to communicate about the power of positive thinking. To achieve this, Joseph Murphy in his book outlines three ways we can go about it;

  1. Repetition; this means to continuously fill our mind with positive thoughts, happy thoughts, and everything that will be progressive to our mental well-being. Visualize your goals vividly; do this continuously and feed the subconscious with this and the result would be manifested in positive outcomes.
  2. Suggestions; give your subconscious mind suggestions that will counter any and all negative thoughts. This can work in the case of phobias and weaknesses, if you continually give your subconscious the suggestion that you are stronger than those phobias and feed this positive outlook into your mind, you will gradually find that you are defeating those fears and able to rise above those weaknesses. Your subconscious mind accepts what you feed it and this includes the suggestions you feed to it, which is why the key to being successful is to first believe you will be successful and not entertain negative thoughts about it.
  3. Visualization; mental images according to Joseph Murphy in his book, are a key to attaining the sort of subconscious mind that breeds positive results. He said to make this work; these images have to be very vivid. Visualize what you want in life; paint a clear image to be taken in by your subconscious mind. If it is about financial success, love, growth or anything, have a vivid imagination and it will yield result. He goes further to caution that if you use this in the negative way, you could also lead yourself down a path of failure and unhappiness, because it is what you feed your subconscious mind that you inevitably translate into your physical manifestations.


Joseph Murphy stresses in this book that the experiences faced by humans serve as the building blocks that determine which way their lives go. This is because these experiences are largely what you use to build the state of your mental home, and if you build a positive mental home, your life generally will be positive and vice versa. This is why it is crucial to fight traumatic experiences so as to discard every negative building block that could form a pattern of negativity in the subconscious mind. To be successful is to be happy, living fulfilled and doing what you love to do, and because the human mind is always creating mental models to aid in this, it is therefore important to grasp the power of the subconscious mind and use it to this effect. To rid yourself of all negative thoughts that impair your subconscious health, Joseph Murphy in his book outlines three steps or guides that can help;

  1. Discover what you love doing and do it with a passion; if you hate what you do, it is hard to obtain success because you would lack the drive and the zeal that is needed to forge ahead and be successful.
  2. Specialize; Being a specialist in what you love would give you a drive to be excellent at it and ensure you are not average or below average. This culminates in giving you fulfillment and ensuring that your day to day life comes with goal-oriented tasks that fit into what you want your life to be.
  3. Beneficial to humanity; whatever it is you do have to be greater than you, it has to benefit humanity. This way you have a sense of fulfillment in having contributed your quota to the growth of humanity.

As earlier stated, every thought that you permit into your subconscious mind is like a cause and effect scenario with one cause leading to a certain effect. Joseph Murphy stresses this in his book that once you have a thought, it leads to an effect. As such, a negative thought propels your subconscious to form negative patterns. If you always believe you will fail, or you always believe you are not good enough, with time you will find that your subconscious has given you all those suggestions which you fed it. you begin to find that you are suffering from lack of confidence and deep inferiority complex and it is because that is what you have fed your mind. Knowing this, therefore, sets you at an advantage to begin to train your subconscious mind into letting only positive thoughts go through and develop into a pattern in your mind. This will go a long way in shaping the behavior and the aura that could uplift you and help you achieve all of your goals and dreams. If this is something you have yearned to understand then definitely read this book titled ‘THE POWER OF YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND’ as Joseph Murphy goes into detail to ensure that every aspect is understood. You will come away from reading this book feeling wiser and happier at knowing that the key to all you want lies within you and you have the power to control it.